What is Valocracy?

Valocracy is a novel proposal for on-chain human coordination. It takes inspiration from Web 3 ideals and aims to address an issue that is currently prevalent in both the traditional world and in simpler forms of DAO, and that, in our opinion, is still one of the greater inhibitors for better systems of human coordination. That issue is that we still operate, even in the so called Web3, with collective arrangements in which “greater purchasing power” usually conveys “greater political representation”.

If you want to know more about it, please read the Valocracy Manifesto.

Applied principles

Valocracy was designed to operate in such a manner that “purchasing power” does not easily translate into “political power”, our framework design principles are:

Safe & Secure
Human Effort is not Fungible

In Valocracy, we propose that human effort is not fungible and that it should not be exchanged directly for money, but rather through an intermediate layer that “tokenizes the individual effort contributed to the collective”.

Early Bonus
Split Economic and Governance Power

Every effort employed shall entitle the performer with a share of economic power and governance power whithin the collective. Both are independent from each other, being two separate sub-assets contained within the effort asset.

Univarsal Access
Equality > Isonomy (Don’t Fight Pareto)

Valocracy emphasizes the principle of isonomy: ensuring that the same set of rules is applied consistently to all members of a collective, regardless of their economic status or governance influence.

Secure Storage
Farewell “Shareholder”… long live “Valueholder”

Valocracy aims to blur the distinction between shareholders and laborers (or stocks vs salaries) by introducing the concept of “Value Holder”.

Low Cost
Incentivize Efficiency

In Valocracy, if we take the Treasury over the Collective Effort put together by individuals over time, we can derive “Collective Efficiency” as a metric.

Several Profit
Time in the Collective > Timing the Collective

As collectives get bigger and (ideally) wealthier, Governance becomes of more importance

Work Process

Our Goal

An innovative approach to governance and rewards in digital societies, where real contributions are valued and rewards are accessible at any time.

Work Process

Valocracy is the regime of Value

Designed for digital societies where individuals are incentivized and rewarded by their capacity to aggregate collective value.

  • Anti-Whale features, where governance must be earn, not bought.

  • Real rewards, where no new magic token must be invented.

  • Economic freedom, where rewards can be redeemed at any time.